Tuebora Blog

Communicate Your IAM Intent Directly to You Applications

The UX of AI with AskTuebora.ai

At Tuebora we design experiences that transform Identity Governance & Lifecycle. Since the company’s founding we have methodically paced an evolutionary process of User Experience with a focus on pragmatic client and potential client interaction. We don’t rely on platitudes like “put the user first” or “design a user-centric ecosystem”. We work with our audience to build collaborative and communication-generated IGA solutions.

Our first step is a mix of generative and evaluative research that relies on dialogue from many facets and comes full circle with an internal and external cross-functional, cross-company (very important and unique) drive toward each release.

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Don’t Ask Tuebora the winning lottery numbers

At Tuebora, we’re on an Identity Governance & Administration AI journey that we think you’ll find intriguing and compelling.

As our data scientists finalize our newest IGA UI with Natural Language AI interaction, we've decided to open a beta version of our AI-driven creation to the public for feedback. This open approach allows us to gather input directly from users before the final release. That information will enable us to refine and perfect the machine learning algorithm already present and the new real-time interaction feedback for rapid and continuous AI evolution in the IGA space.

For those unfamiliar with our mission, we're focused on simplifying IGA program deployments and operations, particularly for those lacking large and/or highly specialized resources for multi-faceted access, management, and governance environments. We firmly believe that an intuitive, interactive interface is instrumental in relieving administrators from the burden of mundane tasks, thereby enabling them to focus on strategic initiatives.

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